Sunday, October 31, 2010

What God and I both see

You are all about to have your Judgment Day because these are the days like Noah.

You are all an enormous mass of
Moschiach Denying
Tuchus Schtuppers
Who don't know what day Shabbos is!

Friday, October 29, 2010


composed to be shared with everyone on April 30, 2009

Overall, girls have been worthless to me.
Overall, the planet deserves to be destroyed for its sheer ignorance and greed.
Overall, the highest concentration of hypocrites are in show business.
Overall, my worst enemies have been Jews.
Overall, the most ridiculous have been Catholics.
Overall, the most uninformed have been Muslims.
Overall, the most dangerous have been atheists.
Overall, the least caring have been Communists.
Overall, the most disgusting have been men.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Read This When I Die...

.... And you expected me to save you

you filled this world with nuclear weapons
you showed me my visions ahead of time
you let Hitler escape and gave him safe harbor
you were invaded and infested from beyond more than once
you flirt with me instead of love me
you tried to kill me so many times
you collectively destroy the planet
you don't recognize me in person
you offend me and tell me I have a problem
you let Khomeini escape and unleashed a cancer
you repeatedly stole from me
you did not follow my instructions
you evicted me in so many ways
you turned your back on me
you disobey God's Commandments in so many ways
you refused me and broke my heart so many times
you did nothing for me while Scriptures changed
you aborted an immaculate conception
you raised my children without me
you came back to life and defied me
you deceived me and played games
you stalked me
you spied on me
you have been inhabited by divine beings
you harassed me
you turned me into a quadriplegic temporarily
you keep retelling my jokes
you pretend I do not exist and cover me up
you gave me no way out when you witnessed signs all over and still took too long
you saw miracles I predicted come to pass then ran away
you thought you could find a woman to help me when I couldn't because they were the primary culprits in ruining God's plan
you built a church of over a billion people that were mostly ignorant of the warnings in the Holy Books they all possessed
you photographed me from near and far without my permission
you became rich and famous in MY WORLD but could not share with me

You now mistake me for someone who cares

posted in March of 2009 seven times, for a good reason

O' Jenny

O' Jenny can you tell me
How big are your implants today?
They are the most important thing
For little girls of both genders
To talk about over their teacups
A successful career in La La Land
Involves landing a wallet that's big
And eating as much as you can
From the sunny California selection
Of warm tacos and gourmet hot dogs
Imported from around the world
When you sleep at night in your home
In the land known as Beach Beverly Hills
Do you think you are better than me
Because I wound up with nothing
For accomplishing the impossible
So many times, in so little time?
Can you tell me why should anyone care
What a milfy bisexual thinks
About any issue at all?
When she knows the Messiah uniquely but
Cohabits with the industry's biggest fool
Which necessarily begs the question
Which one of you is dimmer?
If you knew were I was in Mesa
I would have talked had you bothered to show up
Did you hear what I said in Diego and notice
How your son got well soon thereafter?
Do you still blame the inoculation
For a problem that is much more complex
Does God need to come down from Heaven
And slap you around your slippery head
To get you to tell the truth
Or will you keep on deceiving the world
About the real source of knowledge
That has put the bread on your table
And why it ran dry so long ago
Waiting for people just like you
To get real with the real fountainhead
When we all appear before the Father
And people will all know the Truth
There will be a multitude of the dead
Pointing a finger at you and will say
"O' Jenny, she could have done something
To make our hero's life much easier
Instead she chose herself
Just like everyone else in the county
Which made all the other girls look bad
Especially the elderly and crazy
Which yelled at him in their ignorance
The best she could do is make dirty pictures
It is what she always did best
She knew Jesus uniquely
But thought he was someone else's problem
And now the rest of humanity suffers
Because of Jenny's bad examples
People think of her as an object
And play with themselves day and night
And her selfishness helped push the world
From its blue balance into the red
Is it really the Strip that threatens us all
The one that Jesus earned long ago?
Or is it really the City of Angels
A misnomer of biblical proportions
That caused all of us to go under
Because they raped and beat up Lady Justice?
If they were to remake a large statue
To resemble what she once looked like
It would probably resemble our Jenny
So the Universe could get a big laugh."

posted originally on May 19, 2009

Monday, October 25, 2010

Disposable Jesus and the disposable planet

posted on February 15, 2009

You needed me more than you know
But you wanted to get rid of me
You gave birth to my children
But did not let me be a part of their lives
All of the people, places, and things you take for granted would not exist if not for me
But you all think you are me
And you are more interested in my junk
Than you are in me
Last time you did not esteem me
This time you have forgotten to love me
You abuse me as if I was a masochist
But I have never been that
And I live in a world of "how much money you got?"
What makes you think I won't trade it all in
For the Kingdom in Heaven?
His will has been done on Earth
This is not the only inhabited planet in the Universe
What makes you think it is God's favorite?
He has been SCREAMING at you with signs, miracles, and intervention
And you ignore all this, and me?
Why are you looking for aliens to help you?
Divine beings have been actively speaking to you for over a decade.
They helped us defeat the aliens.
And God made it all possible.
How do you think He feels, now?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bienvenidos al mundo de Jesus muy triste

from August 24, 2008

Bienvenudos al mundo de Jesus muy triste.

Yo tengo el corazon negro y frio.

Tengo hambre como muchas personas en este mundo realmente.

Tengo una mascara felicidad.

Pero my cara es melancolia.

Muchas personas en los Estados Unidos preguntarme.

"Donde esta su dinero?  Queremos su dinero.  Nosotros gustamos su automovil."

No lo tengo dinero.

No me gusta los Nephilim como mi padre.

La Besa de Muerta, Nicole Scherzinger, tiene dinero.

Nicole, la Riena de amor de boca y Hummer Estrechas,

Y todos que practica brujeria en casas de misticismo son malos.

Ella puede robar dinero de esposos de otros damas.

Todos los amigos de Nicole no puedes decirme claro.

Todos quieren vivir en mi cabeza.

Todos entienden que este vida es como una pelicula.

No!  Este es el mundo realmente.

Amigos de Nicole Scherzinger pueden decirme como Cyclone Nargis en Juno de 2006.

Ahora el Papi de Dinero es muerto.

Que lastima.

Como esta Christina Applegate, Pussycat Doll numero uno?

Buena Suerte, amiga.

Quiero vivir en mi pais, El Salvador.


Mi jente de El Salvador.

Estan listos para mi?

La chupacabra en Texas buscarme.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

From June 9, 2008

Dear Gloria,

I remember when I first had a vision of you.

A wide-eyed boy looking at the sun

While I was riding in the family car through the desert.

I saw you as an adult and was told we would have

An Immaculate Conception.

I kept that a secret as long as I could

Because I knew no one would believe me.

When I first saw you in my Dad's art store,

That had the same name as your Dad and your brother,

I remember your dress with bright pink flowers and the big straw hat.

I recognized you instantly as you ran in giggling and got lost.

Who could forget the afternoons in the dog park?

Answering question after question

And solving as many problems as I could

By opening myself up to God for the right responses.

I do not believe I could have done much of it without you there

Despite the fact you interrupted and contradicted me as often as you did.

It seems so strange now.

I was boy when I first saw you

And when we finally had some time to spend together

Twenty five years later

You always seemed like a silly little girl to me.

You and I knew it was over before we even got started

As we played hide-and-seek

In the world only we understood.

I remember going to Koo Koo Roo with our dogs

While being monitored.

I remember sharing coated ice cream at Acapulco.

What happened to you?

Is that why my Dad's store burned down?

Was that a crime or a punishment?

I remember the last vision I had of you during Holy Days.

People have told me they have seen you in their dreams since then.

I would destroy everything I can see right now to be with you again.

But that is not in the cards right now.

No one will ever take your place.

How is it people can believe I am the touch of death

And benefactor of everlasting life?

Only God could make the enigma

That I am.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Discord in China

Be realistic!
Know Buddha and Confucius
Are not far apart.

Dear Leora

March 15, 2008

What are you going to miss when you die?

I can assure you our ancestors are going to rip the shit out of you when you die.

Are you going to miss sucking the life out of people when you die, you parasite?

I know it has been very difficult for you without my Mother for you to suck the life out of.

I am sure you are going to miss telling all your lies and being the first at everything.

I am sure you are going to miss cruising the gutter for scumbag boyfriends to mold into someone who would kill me.

I am sure you are going to miss "shoulding" on people.

I am sure you are going to miss "going to war" and losing every battle.

I am sure you are going to miss wasting a ton of money doing everything wrong.

I am sure you are going to miss stretching. And body work. And predicting doom and gloom.

I am sure you are going to miss telling everyone they are wrong, proclaiming yourself an astrology expert but denying the conclusion is you are Satan-Bitch-Khomeini.

I am sure that being the Malebolgia on Earth was a lot of fun and that driving me insane was your crowning achievement.  But you had help there.

Your death will be my greatest victory.

The geneticists have already revealed Dad for what he is, even though his dentists could have done that a LONG time ago.  But they think there are some good things to gain from him.

Isn’t ironic that my eyes went from Brown to Hazel but the DMV did not let me make that change on my Driver’s License?  And yet Dad’s eyes change color all the time.  Do people like him need "mood" Driver’s Licenses to match their eye color by the hour?

These are not the type of discoveries we need.

Creating people that deny the existence of God is awful.  People that only want to stuff their faces are disgusting.  People with selective memory are abhorrent.  People who never take responsibility for what they do are abominable.  People who chose the wrong side every time are useless.  And people who want to cover me up, make me go away, take your side over mine, and deny my existence should die.

And people that care so much more about themselves than they do about me that they would make me suffer are about to get their just due all over the world.

In a movie version of this life I would be justified in killing both of you.

Why hasn’t anyone done that for me yet?