Thursday, October 28, 2010

O' Jenny

O' Jenny can you tell me
How big are your implants today?
They are the most important thing
For little girls of both genders
To talk about over their teacups
A successful career in La La Land
Involves landing a wallet that's big
And eating as much as you can
From the sunny California selection
Of warm tacos and gourmet hot dogs
Imported from around the world
When you sleep at night in your home
In the land known as Beach Beverly Hills
Do you think you are better than me
Because I wound up with nothing
For accomplishing the impossible
So many times, in so little time?
Can you tell me why should anyone care
What a milfy bisexual thinks
About any issue at all?
When she knows the Messiah uniquely but
Cohabits with the industry's biggest fool
Which necessarily begs the question
Which one of you is dimmer?
If you knew were I was in Mesa
I would have talked had you bothered to show up
Did you hear what I said in Diego and notice
How your son got well soon thereafter?
Do you still blame the inoculation
For a problem that is much more complex
Does God need to come down from Heaven
And slap you around your slippery head
To get you to tell the truth
Or will you keep on deceiving the world
About the real source of knowledge
That has put the bread on your table
And why it ran dry so long ago
Waiting for people just like you
To get real with the real fountainhead
When we all appear before the Father
And people will all know the Truth
There will be a multitude of the dead
Pointing a finger at you and will say
"O' Jenny, she could have done something
To make our hero's life much easier
Instead she chose herself
Just like everyone else in the county
Which made all the other girls look bad
Especially the elderly and crazy
Which yelled at him in their ignorance
The best she could do is make dirty pictures
It is what she always did best
She knew Jesus uniquely
But thought he was someone else's problem
And now the rest of humanity suffers
Because of Jenny's bad examples
People think of her as an object
And play with themselves day and night
And her selfishness helped push the world
From its blue balance into the red
Is it really the Strip that threatens us all
The one that Jesus earned long ago?
Or is it really the City of Angels
A misnomer of biblical proportions
That caused all of us to go under
Because they raped and beat up Lady Justice?
If they were to remake a large statue
To resemble what she once looked like
It would probably resemble our Jenny
So the Universe could get a big laugh."

posted originally on May 19, 2009

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