Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Dirge for Druanna the Realist

placed online on July 27, 2009


Is it just your head that is in the clouds?
Or are you a complete airhead?
I remember speaking with you last Winter
I recall you saying "I get it"
A hundred times
It was a terrific phone call
And I remember you telling me
"You Rock!"

I also remember how you told me
How much you wanted your son
From your first marriage back in your life.
I told you it would happen
And I told you how to do it.

About five months later
It happened, and even I got a little choked up
And I did my best to congratulate you
And let you know there were some things to still keep in mind
And then you forgot about me
I was sure you would be sensitive enough
And grateful enough to make some time for me
Especially while I was recovering from the Staph
For over two months.

I could not have made it more obvious
What I wanted from you
But in sixty days, you could not make one for me
Unless you consider your reference
To the One in your Tarot deck
An adequate reward
For helping to restore your family

You are extreme density
So perceptive about the worlds all around us
But unable to understand your own physical body
That manifested some serious symptoms
Because you got a lot fatter
Since you put your husband's ring on

After you die
You will spend time in a pain amplifier
That will recreate my pain exponentially
To make it clear to you what it means to be me
And the penalty for being a user
A taker
A new age web mistress
And a phony

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